Around Clarke County in Nov/Dec
21/22 Grace Church Holiday Bazaar
Friday 10am-3pm and Saturday 9am-2pm. Grace Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall. 110 North Church Street, Berryville. Featuring beautiful handmade crafts & gift items, attic treasures and delicious baked goods. A Turkey Luncheon will be served on FRIDAY ONLY from 11:30am – 1 pm. Cost of the meal is $10 and includes Roast Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Gravy, Green Bean Cassarole, Dinner Roll, Dessert & Drink. Take-out available. Please contact the Church Office, 540-955-1610, for additional Information.
22 Turkey Trot Races
The 36th edition of the Berryville Turkey Trot Races will begin at 10am with registration from 9 to 9:45 at Clarke County High School. Race distances are 2, 4, or 6 miles for area runners and walkers on Clarke County Park’s fitness trail. Overall awards and age group winners will be recognized after the races along with random drawings for frozen turkeys. Entry fee is $10 for students. All others, $15. The races benefit the high school cross country and track teams. For information call 540-247-6475 or email the race director, at
22Gingerbread Workshop
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. 1- 4 pm. 12 and under. Class size limited. $15 (includes materials) Instructors – Mary Ann and Emily Nalls.For information contact or visit
23 Pancake Day
John H. Enders Fire and Rescue. 9 South Buckmarsh Street, Berryville. 7am – 12 noon. Come Support your fire and rescue squad and enjoy the finest Pancake Breakfast in the area! Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs, Sausage Gravy, Baked Apples, Coffee, Milk, Hot Tea, Apple & Orange Juice. Adults $8. Children $4. Children under six eat for FREE. For Information Call 540-955-1110 or visit
28/29 Holiday Festival
and Homebrew Competition. Backroom Brewery. 150 Ridgemont Road (off Reliance Road), Middletown. 10am-8pm. Our greenhouses will be filled with artisans and crafts to help you start your Christmas shopping and the air filled with great music and the aromas of delicious food! There will be homebrew demonstrations and the results of our first annual Backroom Brewery homebrew competition. This competition is a sanctioned event and will be judged by AHA/BJCP certified judges. Vendor and homebrew contest applications may be obtained by emailing or calling 540 869-8482. For information Contact Billie Clifton or Christy Dunkle. 540-869-8482.
29 Shop Small Saturday
All Day. Everywhere. 5th annual Small Business Saturday is the answer to “Black Friday” and it encourages folks to kick off their holiday shopping season in local, small, “bricks and mortar” businesses.
29 Jewelry Demonstration
and Trunk Show. Fire House Gallery. 23 East Main Street, Berryville, VA 22611. Put More Bling in YOUR Jing-A-Ling. Jewelry artists will be showing and selling their creations on four consecutive Saturdays before Christmas. One-of-a-kind items will be available for sale for every taste and pocketbook. Custom card markers will be joining the jewelers on December 6th and 13th creating and selling holiday cards, which they will gladly personalize. For more information call 540-955-4001.
29 Book Signings
11am – 4m. Winchester Book Gallery. 185 North Loudoun Street, Winchester. 11-1 Michael Lee Pope’s “Wicked Northern Virginia”. Behind the bucolic plantation estates of Northern Virginia lies a history of scandal. The region has a rotating cast of greedy supervisors, vain senators, bullying occupiers and party bosses. The Aryan Nations once flooded the streets of Arlington. Infamous floating brothels once sailed the Potomac. Even George Washington’s death at his historic estate outside the capital is shrouded in mystery. 2-4pm E. Brady Robinson’s “Art Desks” features photographs of the desks and working spaces of artists, curators, art dealers and critics throughout the East Coast. Her subjects include collector Mera Rubell, historian David Ward and photographer William Christenberry.
2 Long Branch Book Club
Meets First Tuesday of Each Month. 830 Long Branch Lane, Millwood. Meet inside of the historic home at 7pm. December’s book: A Christmas Carol (1843) by Charles Dickens. Membership is free and new members are always welcome! For information visit or call 540-837-1856.
5 Community Band Concert
Johnson Williams Middle School. 200 Swan Ave, Berryville. 7pm. Free Admission but a Free Will offering to benefit the Chain of Checks will be taken. The Band is sponsored by The Clarke County Board of Supervisors, The Virginia Commission for the Arts, and The National Endowment for the Arts.
6 Student Art and Gingerbread Exhibit
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Through Jan. 4th. Opening Reception Friday, Dec. 5th, 7pm (After Tree Lighting in Rose Hill Park).For information contact or visit
6 Madrigal Songs
of Loyalty, Light, and Love. 8pm. Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Performed by The Clarke County High School Chamber Choir. For information contact or visit
6 Community Band Concert
Armstrong Theater at Shenandoah University. 702 University Drve, Winchester. 6:30pm. Free Admission but a Free Will offering to benefit the Chain of Checks will be taken. The Band is sponsored by The Clarke County Board of Supervisors, The Virginia Commission for the Arts, and The National Endowment for the Arts.
7 December Dance Selections
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. 2pm. Performed by SCAA Jr. & Sr. Dance Ensembles. The SCAA Jr. & Sr. Dance Ensembles currently include 27 students ages 10-18 from the Shenandoah Conservatory Arts Academy of Shenandoah University. The SCAA was founded in 1977 to provide enrichment opportunities and pre-professional studies in the fine arts for students of all ages and abilities. For information contact or visit
13 The Woodshedders
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. 8:00pm. Doors open at 7:30. Known for fun, danceable shows that swerve between different genres to create exciting original sounds, The Woodshedders bring together the diverse influences of American Country, Rhythm & Blues, Old-Time, Bluegrass, and Gypsy Jazz. Advance $15. Door $20. For information contact or visit
13 Ornament Workshop
Historic Long Branch. 830 Long Branch Lane, Millwood. 1-4pm. This holiday season celebrate “Christmas on the WWII Home Front” at Long Branch Plantation. Get into the holiday spirit by attending our make-your-own 1940s ornament workshop. For information visit or call 540-837-1856
15 Christmas Tour & Open House
Historic Rosemont Manor. 6 Rosemont Manor Lane, Berryville. 5 – 8pm. Come tour one of the most prestigious estates in the Shenandoah Valley this Christmas season. Refreshments will be served and gift items will be available for purchase. All proceeds benefit The Clarke County Education Foundation.$10 for adults. $5 for students through college age. Children under 5 free.
20 Film “Museum Hours”
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. 7:00pm Doors open 6:30. When a Vienna museum guard befriends an enigmatic visitor, the grand Kunsthistorisches Art Museum becomes a mysterious crossroads which sparks explorations of their lives, the city, and the ways artworks reflect and shape the world. In German with subtitles and in English. NR; 106 minutes. $8 – Barns of Rose Hill and Magic Lantern members $5. For information contact or visit
20 Live Music
Caroline Ferrante & The Whole Magilla. 7:30 – 9m. Winchester Book Gallery. 185 North Loudoun Street, Winchester. Passionate Vocals, three octave range, and the signature twelve-string sound…Americana, Roots/Blues, Singer Songwriter! Native Chicagoan, Caroline broke into the Metro DC music scene in 2011. Her unique blend of originals are interspersed with hootenanny Americana, gritty Chicago blues, lyrical contemporary folk, eighties covers, and light jazz. She loves to interact with the crowd, and always entertains!
20/21 Christmas Open House
And Nutcracker Tea. Historic Long Branch. 830 Long Branch Lane, Millwood. This holiday season celebrate “Christmas on the WWII Home Front” at Long Branch Plantation. Christmas Open House: December 20 & December 21 from 1-5pm. Nutcracker Tea: Both Days, 2 – 5pm, in Long Branch’s historic dining room. For information visit or call 540-837-1856.
21 Holiday Reception
Historic Long Branch. 830 Long Branch Lane, Millwood. 6-8pm. Following Old Bethel’s candlelit Christmas Service, guests are invited to a WWII Home Front Holiday Reception at Long Branch Plantation. For information visit or call 540-837-1856.