18 Long Branch Speaker Series
Long Branch Historic House and Farm.
830 Long Branch Lane. Millwood. Sarah Cohen, creator of Route 11 Potato Chips, presents “So, You Want to Start a Business.” $25 for one event, $80 for four part series. Reserve tickets ahead.
18 Autoimmune Disorders Class
20 Plants That Eat Animals Educational Event
Blandy Experimental Farm.
400 Blandy Farm Lane. Boyce. Steve Carroll teaches which plants “eat” animals, how they manage, and the costs and benefits. FOSA members $10, nonmembers $15; member family $20, nonmember family $25.
23 Mink’s Miracle Medicine Concert
24 Relationships and Conflicts Class
24 Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny
25 Martha Washington Talk
25 Classical Concert
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church.
27 Good Shepherd Road. Bluemont. “Moonlit in the Sun,” a string trio of violin, cello and viola, will present beautiful music by Mozart, Beethoven and Dohnanyi. Free will offering will benefit FISH of Clarke County.
3pm. 540-955-2600.
25 “At the Fork” Film
Barns of Rose Hill.
95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. Filmmaker and omnivore John Papola, together with his vegetarian wife Lisa, offer up a timely and refreshingly unbiased look at how farm animals are raised for our consumption.
4pm. $5. Visit or call
540-955-2004 (
12–3 pm Tuesday to
25 Ayurveda Self-Care Workshop
29 Invasive Plant Identification and Management
Blandy Experimental Farm.
400 Blandy Farm Lane. Boyce. Learn to identify and manage invasive species during the spring season.
1–5pm. FOSA members $20, nonmembers $25. Reservations required.
31 Easter in the Park
Rose Hill Park. Main Street. Berryville. Egg hunt, storytelling, bouncy house, drama, games, crafts, music and more. Free.
11am–1pm. Provided by Emmaus Church.
31 Full Moon Walk
Blandy Experimental Farm.
400 Blandy Farm Lane. Boyce. Explore the arboretum under the full moon. Wear comfortable shoes and bring flashlight.
7:30–8:30pm. FOSA members/UVa alumni $10, nonmembers $15; member/alumni family $20, nonmember family $25. Reservations required.
31 Community Easter Egg Hunt
Historic Long Branch.
830 Long Branch Lane. Boyce. Hayrides, bouncy castles, flowering spring garden, carriage rides and professional photographer. Jordan Springs barbecue for purchase. Adults $5, children free.
1 Pancake Breakfast
John H. Enders Fire Company, Berryville.
7am–12pm. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, sausage gravy, baked apples, coffee, milk, hot tea, apple and orange juice.
Adults $8, children $4, children under 6 eat free.
7 Barbecue Chicken Dinner and Auction
7 Make ‘n Take Air Plant Terrarium
Blandy Experimental Farm.
400 Blandy Farm Lane. Boyce. Let your creativity grow and discover the fascinating life of air plants. Price includes all materials.
10–11:30am. FOSA members $25, nonmembers $30. Reservations required.
12 Walking Tour of Arboretum
13–15 “The Little Mermaid” Musical
14 Tastefully Simple Open House
14 Family Dance Party and Silent Auction
14 An Evening with Elvis and Conway
John Enders Fire Hall. Berryville. Join the Stone’s Chapel Memorial Association at a special benefit concert featuring tribute artist Kevin Booth. First half features Conway Twitty and second half Elvis Presley. All proceeds benefit the ongoing restoration of the historic Stone’s Chapel.
7pm. Tickets sold at door only. Adults $10, students $5.
15 Desegregation Retrospective Roundtable
Boyce United Methodist Church.
8 Old Chapel Ave. Boyce. CCHA and the Josephine School Community Museum will partner together for a discussion with former teachers and students with firsthand experiences from Johnson-Williams High School and Clarke County High School
2pm. 540-955-2600.
18 Live Trivia
Barns of Rose Hill. 95 Chalmers Ct. Berryville. CCHA and the Clarke County Library team up to bring live team trivia with categories including history, movies, literature, science and more. Prizes donated by local businesses. 7pm. Free. 540-955-2600.
21 Spaghetti Dinner
Boyce Fire Hall, Boyce. All you can eat dinner with food, fun and fellowship to benefit Boyce United Methodist Ministries. Takeout trays available. Free will offering.
22 Blue Ridge Hunt Point to Point Races
Woodley Farm. 590 Woodley Lane. Berryville. First race at
12pm. Stick horse races for children and other activities. $25 per car, $150 for VIP tailgate parking.
8:15–9:15pm. Grace Episcopal Church. N. Church St. Berryville. For friends and families of alcoholics. If someone else’s drinking bothers you, please join us.
FISH Clothing Bank