Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Westbrook To Deliver Memorial Day Message
Clarke County’s community Memorial Day Service will be held on Sunday, May 28, at 2pm in Rose Hill Park in Berryville. The theme of the program will be “Fallen But Not Forgotten: A Tribute in Our Anniversary Year”.
In addition to the Town of Berryville observing its 225th anniversary, VFW Post 9760 is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2023. Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Westbrook, U.S. Army, will deliver the Memorial Day message. Commissioned as an infantry officer in 2003, Jonathan deployed to Iraq between 2004 and 2007 with the 82nd Airborne Division three times and with the 25th Infantry Division (Light) in 2008. He served in strategic positions from 2012 to 2023, including a fifth deployment to Iraq in 2019 to 2020. Jonathan is a recipient of the Airborne Badge, the Expert Infantryman Badge, the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Combat Action Badge, and the Ranger Tab. A member of VFW Post 9760, Lieutenant Colonel Westbrook and his family reside in Clarke County.
American Legion Post 41 Commander Tom Vorisek and VFW Post 9760 Commander Mike Blumenthal will lead the service. The Clarke County High School Band, led by Mark Curry, will provide prelude and postlude selections and the National Anthem. The Clarke County High School Chamber Choir, led by Kristi Snarsky, will perform two songs at the service. Colors will be posted and retired by The James Wood Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. The Clarke County Honor Guard, led by Chris Birch, will provide a military salute.
In addition to the Memorial Day Service, members of VFW Post 9760 and American Legion Post 41, and members of Boy Scout Troop 34 will place American flags at veterans’ gravesites at Green Hill Cemetery in Berryville on Saturday, May 27th at 9am. Volunteers will also place flags at Milton Valley Cemetery in Berryville during the Memorial Day weekend.
In case of inclement weather, the Memorial Day Service will be held in Berryville’s Barns of Rose Hill, a cultural and civic center adjacent to Rose Hill Park. The sponsoring organizations, Clarke County Memorial VFW Post 9760 and American Legion Post 41, invite all attendees to join them at the VFW Post at 425 South Buckmarsh Street in Berryville for free refreshments and fellowship following the ceremony.
For additional information, contact Tom Vorisek, Memorial Day Committee member, at (540)303-0774