Fourteen Years Ago

By Geo Derrick

After more than a dozen years at the Clarke County Farmer’s Market, Geo Derrick is retiring.

Joining the local farmer’s market with Geo’s Joy Herbal Medicine was one way that I felt empowered to support our area agriculture and preserve this precious “greenbelt” known as Clarke County. Having witnessed the frenetic development of good farmland in Virginia and nationwide, I found solace and peace when I finally moved here full time.

To this ideal, I was happy to offer free health and wellness advice on Saturday mornings for 13 years, to draw people to the market and support the many vendors that joined us. Having an abundance of locally grown food and clean air and water are the foundation of good health, and we are so blessed in this county.

I have felt a true sense of belonging with another extended family of friends that show up in rain or shine to shop locally. It has been a joy 

getting to know everyone and staying abreast of our community lives together. Deciding to retire as a vendor has been surprisingly emotional for me. I feel a deep loss in my heart.

So, becoming a sponsor of the Clarke County Farmer’s Market was an easy decision to ease the sadness and continue this mission. Our community is precious to me, and I am grateful for all who gather here on Saturdays. During this time, many of the natural products that we have created were a result of your needs and suggestions and remain available year-round on our website or with a phone call.

I admit that my husband and I look forward to finally sleeping in on Saturday mornings and simply showing up as shoppers for this sweet social time in Berryville. It is a privilege to be among such good and caring people.Namaste. Love, Geo