Clarke County HS Class of ’63 Celebrates 50th Reunion
The Clarke County High School Class of 1963 celebrated their 50th class reunion September 14, 2013. The day began with tours of three of the county’s schools: Boyce Elementary., Berryville Primary, and Johnson Williams Middle School. The tour culminated at the Bell Tower overlooking the JWMS campus. The administrators of each school opened their doors so alumni could walk in, and off they went reminiscing and looking for memories like first-grade classrooms, and, says Alice Hummer, “what Ms. Holmes would think of us now.”
The group ended the day by celebrating at John H Enders Firehall with Mr. Herman Lloyd, principal of Boyce; Mrs. Betty Levi, PE teacher and coach at CCHS, and Mr. Rudy Telek, PE teacher and coach at CCHS.